Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seventh Avenue

I always enjoy looking through shopping magazines. It's like window shopping for a lazy person like myself. So when I picked up the Seventh Avenue magazine at my parents house I was pleasently surprised to find A LOT of things that I loved and if I had a house of my own instead of a small apartment I would definitely buy.

Seventh Avenue sent out their first magazine in 1983 and sell everything from funky home furnishings and electronics to crazy awesome kitchen items.

Their guarantee is that if you have an issue with any product that you've purchased from them OR if you just aren't satisfied you can get a refund, replacement, or a credit to your Choose N' Charge account.

The Choose N' Charge option allows you to purchase items and pay at a later date with no down payment and as little as $20 payment on purchases each month. The more you purchase and use your account the higher your credit limit will be, which means MORE SHOPPING!

As if this isn't enough to make you want to purchase items from their website they also provide information on recalls for products that they've sold. I don't know about you but I don't know of too many companys will own up to recalls on their own accord.

So without further ado here are some of the items that I fell in love with.

This Chaise Lounge is my favorite and is appropriately called the Drama Queen Chaise.

I am insanely obsessed with portrait paintings and huge gaudy frames

I think this Batter Pro is the coolest kitchen gadget EVER!

And then of course this reminds me of the Good Ol' Days so I couldn't resist

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Keep Your Politics Out of My Chicken

Thank you Amanda Minton for such wise words. I know people on both sides of the coin and I can understand both sides. I am the Devil's Advocate because honestly I don't care one way or the other. I just want my chicken sandwich.

For those of you who like me, live under a rock and do not really get involved, or as I like to call myself a bench warmer because I watch from the sidelines I am referring to the Chick-fil-A vs. Gay/Lesbian community.

Now before I get stoned out of the city let me once again advise this post is not to offend I love all people gay and straight and chicken alike.

Today was Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and because I love me some awesome chicken sandwiches my family and I went to our neighborhood CFA to show our appreciation and eat some waffle fries. It was WAY too busy for me to get pictures of the outside like I wanted so I will just describe the scene for you: One officer directing traffic into the entrance, one employee directing traffic in the parking lot for parking/drive thru, two police officers at the exit, and just for good measure one more officer at the stop sign beside the CFA to direct traffic onto the highway. This of course was nothing compared to the craziness that awaited us inside...

Since I'm obsessed with cows I had to post this:

Dad is updating his FB while waiting for our food

Mimi is trying to avoid the camera


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Family Time

My cousin was home in South Carolina last week from Washington state. I don't get to see her often so I tried to spend as much time as possible with her beautiful self and her two adorable baby boys!

She came over to hang out by the pool with the boys for my dad's birthday (man is he getting old), we went to a Riverdogs game, and hung out at the one and only Alpine and Gatortail with some awesome folks! Here are some pictures from our week together.

My beautiful cousin

The Riverdogs vs Rome

Two of the prettiest southern gals I know!

My cousin and I
(You know I had to rock the Guy Harvey croakies!)

Of course I couldn't leave out the wonderful Alpine and I


Just a little laugh for the day :D

Monday, July 30, 2012

Oasap High End Fashion

First and foremost I want to give a shout out to fellow blogger Diva Fabulosa for sending me an email with the link to her Oasap info so that I could too join the ranks of fashion divadom (yes, I create my own words).

If you enjoy fashion or just love to shop but you are like me you despise going to a store to actually fight a crowd, then online shopping is a perfect answer to your dilemma. That being said Oasap has awesome clothes and accessories for you to check out.

For fellow bloggers here is a perfect opportunity for you to become Fashion Hunter. Just head on over to Oasap to join up.   You can get freebies in exchange a post on your lookbook, chictopia or blogspot. 
PS: If you join through this invite and approved to be Oasap Fashion Hunter, I’ll get $8 cash credit. You can invite your friends and get money too.  If you are interested Click Here.

Thanks for stopping by here are just a few of the items that I liked. So go check them out!

This clutch is just too adorable.

Update: I just placed my first fashion hunter order today. I cannot wait to receive it and share it with all of you!

Now I Know: And Knowing is Half the Battle...

...G.I. Joe! I used to LOVE those commercials. Anywho, G.I. Joe's are not the subject of this post Dan Lewis is.

If you do not know who Dan Lewis is well then let me tell you. He would probably be best described as a human encyclopedia of random-AND AWESOME-facts. As promised "he teaches me something new every day."

You can sign up to receive his emails here. Before you get turned off because you have to sign up via email and you despise getting spammed let me tell you from personal experience that he is good to his word he NEVER sends out more than ONE email a day and it is not always a daily email. He sends out emails when he has something to say never more, never less.

I promise his mail is worth reading and they are always intriguing. For instance; did you know carrots used to be purple?

The Lucky One Giveaway

Who doesn't love a great giveaway? I know I am addicted to blog giveaways and this one is no different. Thanks to Confessions of an Overworked Mom for providing a Rafflecopter giveaway for the The Lucky One based off the Nicholas Sparks book.

Although I have not seen the movie yet because I have been too busy but I WANT TO. That being said I have already entered this contest and if I am THE LUCKY ONE I will be winning it. I do want to be fair and share the contest with you guys because it is a great one.

Thanks for stopping by!

I Am a Newbie

So I am a newbie. I have no idea how to blog or really much about how to a page. My goal is to get as much input as possible from others who are willing to offer it. I do not have anything specific to write about, however I would like to post on a range of things, pretty much anything that strikes my fancy at the time.

A little bit about me. My name is Heather (if not already evident from the name of the blog), I am unmarried with no kids. I am a flight attendant so I travel quite a bit. Love little sewing projects, I am a terrible cook, I do not multitask well, and change my hair color more often than Michael Phelps swims laps (could not resist since the Olympics are on).

Feel free to ask me any questions, if you have any. Thanks for stopping by!